40++ for men

asalamualaikum.... kay ... ari ni ari ahad... smlm dah ada penjengah blog mama komplen... napa blog mama tak der input baru.... so mama terpukul ler gak.... sibuk ckit last week.. cm2 nk settle... tak smpat wat per per kat blog ni... asyik dok komen org 'nye jer... so since tht today is sunday and a free day for me.... mama rasa cm nk coret sesuatu ckit kat blog ni...hope penjengah setia mama ygn la ni duk kat saudi and kat kelang tu.... tak ler lagi kutuk mama..... ok...

tuk penjengah saudi tu.. sorry ler .. mama tak reti nk speaking arab.... tp mama rasa cm nk speaking london lak... hope u dont mind.... if i dont...well... rasa cm ada harta tp tak der erti... dh tau kena amal.. ya tak.. kang terforgot kang... langsung tak der pekdah.... give way kay...on yor mak get set go.... hehehe

the story begins like this......if in my last posting i wrote sumthing bout women in their 40's .. well hope u dont mind me sharing wit u the story bout men in their 40s ... this idea came after reading an article by a well known motivator and writer about this issue... Dr. HM Tuah Iskandar Al -Haj... ermm... still from my favourite magazine... MIDI... tht's him..

according to this MALE writer, who also wrote other books as well like "tau tak apa" WOMEN NORMALLY MATURE EARLIER than men ...
as an example.. at the age of 10 , girls are able to look after their smaller siblings.. unlike boys who refuse to take up such responsibilities....(hmm... patut pun bdk lelaki tak leh harap jaga adik ek.... lambat matang.....)
and unfortunately this attitude continue for SOME MEN till at a later age.... tht's y we can see tht SOME MEN.. even at the age of 30 r still not serious in a r/ship.... refuse to accept responsibilities and would rather let their spouse to take it up... this was wut HE said... not me.... ok.... (nak marah ler tu....sabaq)

on the other hand.... females are ready to hold such responsibilities in marriage and life at an earlier age but ...surely they need a spouse to fulfill such dreams...only tht wit whom?.... surely wit a matured men.....so my dear lady friends.... how do we know which men r matured to be our mr. right? any clues? hehehe.... there r clues... according to this MALE writer lah....:

1. when HE shows an effort to fulfill his promises although he seems to fail more than he succeeds.. (nk kena maapkan ler tu kalo dia terlupa......)

2. he's willing to seek advise from the right person when he is unable to solve it on his own.... (hmm..tp selalunya ckp bini tu mmg payah nk terima agaknya)

3. he's not ashame to give compliments when it is due to those who deserve them especially to his spouse (er... ha ah ek..payah bebnor org lelaki nk puji bini kan....hehehe)

4. a matured man knows how to control his anger (hmmm..... tui.... org lelaki ni cepat hangin....)

5. very responsible to all and put his family first in wutever matters...(alhmdulllah...bagus ler Dr. ni)

6. knows when to be a fair judge (especially...bila dh berbini lebih dr satu)

7. knows how to differentiate between love and lust (er.. tak tau nk komen..)

8. nver disobeying God's commandments (ha ah...)

does ur spouse or 'husband to be' possesses such characteristics ?

only u can answer tht.. and if he doesnt... wut can u do? for those with

such hubby .... this MALE writer advices wives and faithful lovers to help them become one.... and i can suggest u to read another book of his...

but if not.... hehehe.. LU PIKIRLAH SENDIRI...!

just sharing wut i read... and if u dont agree feel free to argue bout this matter... sumthing for u and i to ponder.... hope u enjoy my thoughts..
p.s. thnks to D... who edited my writing.... thnks a million, billion, zillion, trillion..wutever 'llion'..

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